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Are you still holding on to your antiques?

My kids and I love visiting my sister’s ranch outside Kamloops. The drive is very scenic and much faster now that we no longer have to stop for diaper changes.

The ranch is very quiet and the sunsets are spectacular. The kids quickly turn the place into a playground because my sister’s outdoor riding rink is like a giant sand pit. And while they’re playing they can see beef cattle and horses.



I visit the two dominant ranch tree species: the beautiful Ponderosa pines (Pinus ponderosa) and Douglas firs (Pseudotsuga menziesii). I love handling the Ponderosa cones with their sharp tips.



Pinus ponderosa


Equally fun is identifying all ranch weeds and there are many interesting species.


While walking around the ranch shed I discovered an old rototiller. It sports a Tecumseh engine which must be from the 1970s or so. Allegedly the rototiller still works but sadly, there isn’t much to rototill on the ranch. And so the machine rests behind the new shed and I wonder if this will be its final resting place.




All this makes me wonder why people hold on to their antiques. You wouldn’t believe how many “dead” mowers I have seen in my time as landscape professional.

The old machines are heavier and less fuel efficient than the new ones you can purchase from your dealer. Finding parts and mechanics who can change them might also be a challenge.


I have done all of my rototilling with a Stihl combi engine and a rototiller attachment. This set-up is perfect for preparing beds for bulb planting. I can’t imagine dragging an old beast through my beds.

So if you’re holding on to antiques at your house or business consider upgrading to something lighter and more fuel efficient. The new machines will last for many seasons with proper maintenance and you will enjoy using them.

Stop by one of our two locations and talk to our sales people. They will help you upgrade from your old antiques.

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