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Expert Knowledge & Quality Products


Can you handle a full rolling pin day?

Can you handle a full day with a rolling pin? I still remember, years ago, wondering what the light rolling pin was for. Then I got the required training. If you wonder the same thing, read on.     The rolling pin is used in the landscape to press down fluffy soil so we can […]

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Chainsaw therapy

In my nightmares, the chain on my chainsaw screams as it comes off the bar and wraps itself around my hand or it flies right off and tests my face shield. Then I wake up and realize everything is fine. I’m still Landscape Industry and ISA certified. CLT test Now, the more I use chainsaws, […]

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Pole pruner magic

I love my pole pruners! They serve a beautiful function in-between my Felco snips and chainsaws. And when I use pole pruners, I don’t usually need a ladder. A perfect situation I raised some tree branches on two different properties recently because they were starting to interfere with delivery trucks. Normally, that would be a […]

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