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Backpack blowers rule in daily landscape maintenance operations mainly because they are packed away on your back and they have lots of power. I normally associate handheld blowers with small landscape operations or home owners. But as I found out last week, handheld blowers can also be used by professional landscapers on smaller jobs. […]
I love landscape maintenance without prejudice which means covering 100% of a site and not discriminating between areas. So that’s why I enjoyed working on a forgotten piece of a commercial building this summer. Shockingly, this corner is visible from the entrance. This sort of view is hardly inspiring for the workers who populate the […]
I love yellows because they’re warm and if you haven’t already, you should consider adding some to your garden. Below are some of my favourites. Heliopsis Sunflowers are very popular so it’s no surprise that this False Sunflower shows up in people’s gardens. The green and white leaves are interesting and the yellow flowers are […]
Can you handle a full day with a rolling pin? I still remember, years ago, wondering what the light rolling pin was for. Then I got the required training. If you wonder the same thing, read on. The rolling pin is used in the landscape to press down fluffy soil so we can […]
CanWest is Western Canada’s premiere horticulture trade show which is why Foreshore Equipment will be there and why I, personally, will also attend. Here is what my plan looks like. Wednesday September 26, 2018 Urban Foresters Symposium, 9-3 pm. Four lectures and two out of the tree presenters have Ph.D.s. […]
The Wall Street Journal published an interesting article on August 14, 2018 about plant identification skills. It stated that the USA has a growing case of ‘plant blindness‘- a term used by botanists to describe the inability to identify basic plants. It’s a short article worth reading. If you visit the website above you can […]
Alright, let’s take a break from smoky skies and enjoy the colors in our landscapes. We can enjoy the plants below for their color or for planting inspiration. And as always, if you need tools come see us at one of our two locations. We have all the tools you need for your landscaping needs. […]
The Tri-City News ran a short story on Coquitlam street trees this past Friday, August 17, 2018. The city installs watering bags on its street trees every summer and crews fill them up every two weeks. However, when we hit a dry spell, our city trees need extra watering and that’s where residents in all […]
In my nightmares, the chain on my chainsaw screams as it comes off the bar and wraps itself around my hand or it flies right off and tests my face shield. Then I wake up and realize everything is fine. I’m still Landscape Industry and ISA certified. CLT test Now, the more I use chainsaws, […]
I love my pole pruners! They serve a beautiful function in-between my Felco snips and chainsaws. And when I use pole pruners, I don’t usually need a ladder. A perfect situation I raised some tree branches on two different properties recently because they were starting to interfere with delivery trucks. Normally, that would be a […]
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